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1soft drink

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Q: How many soft drinks with Equal sweetener in it would you have to drink to have a health risk?
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How is the no added sugar lemon drink sweetened?

Depends on the specific lemon drink it will be a sweetener that is not sugar like stevia which is from a plant and tastes sweet but the human body doesn't metabolize it like sugar (that sweetener is only found in some newer formulations of drinks) or they use a chemical sweetener some examples being aspartame or sucralose.

Why is there more sugar in caffeine drinks?

The caffeine in a drink makes the drink bitter. Adding enough sugar or other sweetener negates the bitterness and makes it more acceptable to many people.

Is it OK to drink energy drinks when you have a heart condition?

No do not drink energy drinks or any drink with a lot of caffeine if you have a heart condition. It stresses your heart and can lead to further health conditions later on.

Is diet drink better then reguler drinks?

no it is not because in diet drinks there is aspartame that gives you a brain tumours and asulfate k and neither of them are good for you and regular drinks (some of them, not all of the regular drinks are mainly sugar) are mainly sugar but it is better for you than all of the artificial sweetener's.Careful because some drinks are not even putting on the label that there is sweetener's in!

What are the health benefits of energy drink?

Energy drinks gives you energy to go and do activities. Such as sports.

Can you drink dextrose?

Dextrose is a type of sugar often used as a sweetener in food and beverages. It is safe to consume in moderate amounts, but excessive consumption can lead to health issues such as weight gain and dental problems. It's best to enjoy dextrose-containing drinks in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

How can drinking soft drink in pregnany harm your baby?

The sweetener in the fizzy drinks such as aspartame can be harm to the unborn baby which can be one of the greatest risk. Instead mother to be should consume water instead.

How many pints of water does she drink every day if she drink four 48-ounce?

She drinks 1.5 gallons, which is equal to 6 pints, of water every day if she drinks four 48-ounce containers.

What is the solute in sugar free fizzy drinks?

The solute in sugar-free fizzy drinks is artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, or stevia. These are used to provide sweetness without adding sugar or calories to the drink.

What kind of drinks do Brazilians drink?

brazilians drink loads of different types of drinks but they drink alot of alcohol

What are the health benefits of amp energy drink?

There are very few health benefits from AMP energy drink. The company is basically trying to sell you a product that gives you energy for a few hours and a painful crash later. Energy drinks are bad for your hearth AND HEALTH