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Situps dont make you slim, cardio does. My routine is 20 mins of interval training on a treadmill or eliptical (you burn more fat this way and continue to burn it after you have stopped)

4 mins warm up then:

Do these 1 min sequences 5 times over

1 min as almost as fast as you can,

1 min cool down,

1 min as fast as you can

1 min cool down,

then 4/5 min cool down.

Then do situps to tone yourself. Its best to do 2 sets of these excercises.

20 reverse crunches - lower abs

20 straight leg raises - lower abs

20 slow motion situps - full ab work

20 seated balancing twists (with or without a 2kg/5lb medicine ball)

and as an additional option 2 x 100 crunches (you can use a crunch machine for this) Make sure you rest whenever you need to.

20 standard

20 with legs to left

20 with legs to right

20 with legs in the air

20 standard

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16y ago
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9y ago

Doing sit ups every day is a good idea, but doing sit ups alone will not make you go from 240 pounds down to 160. You will need to add cardio to each work out before you will lose a significant amount of weight.

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9y ago

Sit ups alone will not help you lose much weight, the best exercise for losing weight is running (particularly long distance)

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Q: How many situps Should a 150 pound person do a day to get slim?
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Your best bet is to do the situp properly without cheating or trying to get away with sloppy situps. The heavier you are the more calories you should burn with situps but it is very difficult to tell beyond that an exact number.

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