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fist set i do is left to middle to right and back second set i do normal way up and down and third way i do is left elbow to right knee right elbow to left knee do the sam thing again but leg half way on the air then after that i do legs up in the air for all three set 100 sit up per set when your done it be 900 sit ups

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14y ago
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13y ago

I do about 200-300 a day. But I'm 13. So, for you, it really depends on how fit you are and your age. If your 7-10years, then you should just forget about it. 11+ maybe about 50 a day to start, as you get more fit, increase the amount...

Hope I helped. :D

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Q: How many sit-ups should you do a day?
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How many situps did Jesus of Nazareth do a day?

He didn't do situps, silly!

How many situps should you do a day to get a six pack?

you won't get a 6 pack doing situps try doing crunches, start doing about 10 to 20 then move upto 100 or even 1000 when you feel you can do it. you should see a real difference in about 3 or 4 months.

How many situps should a 13 year old boy be able to do?

i usually do bout 100 in a row but ive done 300 in a row before i usually do about 500-800 a day

I am a guy at 5'10 140lbs I do 100 sit ups per day how long should it take to get a six pack?

A long time. Generally you should be doing situps "until failure."

How many situps Dow you have to do to get a sixpack?

200 every day. Do a hundred when you wake up and another hundred when you come back from work/school.

How many situps to notice a change?

50+ sit-ups a day for 2-3 weeks (your muscels might hurt the next day,but that's actually a good thing!!)

How many sit ups do you have to do until you lose a kg?

Your best bet is to do the situp properly without cheating or trying to get away with sloppy situps. The heavier you are the more calories you should burn with situps but it is very difficult to tell beyond that an exact number.

How many situps are required to burn 1000 calories?

500 situps burn 100 calories so you need to do more than 2,500

What happens if you do as many situps as you can for a minute?

i think that if you do as many sit-ups as you can in one minute that you will just be really sore the next day. And you might harden your belly a little bit.

How do you work out your core?

situps: 60 a day for a couple months boom u got abs

How many situps should a 100 pound 10 year old kid do in a day to get a six pack in one month?

For starters , A sixpack is about bodyfat , if you're bodyfatpercentage is too high you'll never have abs no matter how big the muscles are . Start doing some running or any other sport where you burn lots of calories and add some small abs exercises Do not do hundreds of situps since the situps are one of the least effective ab exercises and also don't train your abs everyday for hundreds of reps , your abs are just like any other muscle , so they do not grow if you do hundreds of reps every day

How muck weight can you lose in 1 day when you do situps?

One day only you're not going to lose any important amount no matter what you do.