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Q: How many pounds should a 6 foot man eat?
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How many calories should I eat to weigh 180 pounds and my height is five foot eleven inches?

about 2000 calories

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How many calories should a nine year old eat per meal who weighs 70 pounds and is 4 foot 8 inches?

This is a question for your Physician. Only he/she can give you a healthy and appropriate answer.

You are 11 and 5 foot 5 how much should you weigh?

Well when i was 11 I was 5 '5 also and I was 112 pounds but it all depends on how much you eat, what you eat, when you eat, and how much you work out.

How many calories should a 6 foot person eat in a day?


You are 12 and weigh 130 pounds is this a healthy weight you are about 5 foot should you skip meals?

you should eat healthy but i am 12 and 5 fett and i weight 80 thank you! i think i am fat but i KNOW that 80 pounds is unhealthy!

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'1 and weight 150 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'1 and weight 150 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

How many fat grams should you eat if you're 5 foot 3 inches and weigh 108 pounds?

There is no right or wrong amount. Just eat a balanced diet and exercise a few times a week for about an hour. And you can eat small amounts of the things you love. =) Hope this helps

How much should a 12 year old girl weigh that is 4 foot 10 inches tall?

I weigh 81 pounds, but I am very contious about my weight, so I don't eat anything that has fat. You should be 91 pounds if you 4 foot 10 so i wouldent be worried you willbe fine if you 81

How many calories should you eat it you want to lose 7 pounds in a week?

It is pysically impossible to lose 7 pounds in a week.

How many carbohydrates should you eat to lose 100 pounds?

You should probably worry less about how many carbs to eat and worry more about exercising properly and eating a balanced diet.