One pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so you would need to burn 3500 calories x 15 pounds, which is 52,500 calories. The number of calories burned during excercise depends on your weight and how hard you are excercising. As a rough example, someone weighing 150 pounds walking 3 miles/hour for one hour burns about 225 calories, so that person would need to walk 52,500 divided by 225 calories, which is 233 hours. To determine the number of miles per day, divide 233 by the number of days you want to walk. For a walking calculator which gives an estimate of calories burned by walking, see the website listed below under "Related Links". These are rough estimates only. Your body may burn calories at a slower or faster weight.
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You are probably "just right." Exercise will firm you up--walking or pilates or yoga will do the trick.
Depends on your current amount of water stored in your body and how hot it is etc. The pounds you will lose will almost certainly be water weight.
There are 3,500 calories in a pound. How much a person weighing 212 pounds, burns walking a mile, depends on how fast they are walking. At the speed of 20 minutes per mile, a person weighing 212 pounds would have to walk close to 32 miles to burn 1 pound.
About 1000, more if you exercise. Each hour walking is about 100 calories.
You can lose 120 calories depending on how fast you walk. I'm 15 and weigh 95 pounds so I would lose less :P. GOOD LUCK!
You have to lose five pounds.
Depending on the speed that you walk, you could burn between 200 and 400 calories per hour by walking. Assuming you walk 1/2 hour each way every day, and you don't increase your calorie intake to compensate, you could lose 2 pounds a month.
Minutes don't convert into pounds.
420768000 minutes.
You can't lost any pounds in 30 minutes. You can burn a lot of calories depending on the exercise. Need more information for exact amounts.
A woman that weighs 138 pounds could burn anywhere from 50 to 100 calories while walking for 20 minutes. It really depends on how fast the woman was walking.
You will lose 0 pounds unless you exercise and eat healthy.