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It takes a lot of pills... We are talking about bottles.

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How many 50 mg gravol tabs would cause a fatal overdose?

about 20 pills of 50mg.

Can an overdose of dormicum kill you?

Yes it can, so don't try it

What happens when a kid takes a pill?

What do you mean by "an active week's worth of pills"? Were they 'his' pills? Does he take pills regularly? An overdose of any type of medicine is potentially lethal. For example, too many vitamins (Vit. A) can cause blindness, too many acetameniphen pills will cause liver failure, too many aspirin can cause stomach bleeding. Keep all medicines out of reach, so they can't overdose. Call a poison control center, follow their instructions and then call 911, or whatever is the emergency number in your area.

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How many oxycodden does it take to overdose?

It takes about 6 pills to overdoes

How many people overdose on pills every year?

maybe two thousand peolpe overdose on medicein and take it as drugs

How many 25mg atenolol would it take to overdose?

Non-lethal, mild overdose: 7 pills.

What if you had too many pills and you are really hot and shaking what do you do?

If still concious, go to the nearest emergency clinic or hospital, you might be overdose.

How many mg of Paxil would cause overdose?

Yes, like any prescribed medication you can overdose. If you are thinking of ODing on purpose, seek help and you may need to stop using Paxil as this is one of it's side effects.

How many diet pills does it take to overdose?

That would depend on the kind of pill and the strength. BTW: it's a really unpleasant way to go.

How many teva-lorazepam 1mg would cause fatal overdose?

50 mg