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Four levels

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Q: How many levels of protein are there?
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Related questions

How much whey is added in whey protein shakes?

The amount of whey added in whey protein shakes will be determined on which brand you buy and what levels you choose. There are many different brands with different levels of protein.

Too much protein in blood?

An abnormally high level of protein in blood can have many causes. Blood proteins, also called serum proteins, serve numerous functions, including helping to regulate cell function and your immune system. Normally, your blood contains relatively small amounts of many types of proteins. Causes of elevated levels of protein in blood include: * Chronic inflammation or infection, such as HIV and hepatitis * Certain bone marrow diseases, such as multiple myeloma, amyloidosis and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) A high-protein diet does not cause high levels of protein in blood. However, severe malnutrition can cause a decrease in total blood protein. Further testing can help determine the cause of high levels of protein in blood.

What foods contain the highest levels of protein?

The protein food group contains the highest levels of protein. It contains meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs and nuts.

Can protein raise cholesterol levels?

Not protein but most red meats do

What foods have high levels in protein?


Can having your period cause high protein levels in urine test?

High protein levels in urine can be caused by a variety of factors, such as kidney disease, dehydration, or physical exertion. Menstruation itself is unlikely to directly cause elevated protein levels in urine. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis of the underlying cause.

How does the hyperthyroidism affect the protein level?

Hyperthyroidism depletes protein levels faster than in a healthy individual.

Can a yeast infection cause high levels of protein in the urine?

No. Diabetes can, though. Yeast has nothing to do with protein.

Are eggs a considered a lean protein?

Eggs contain protein but not all protein is made of eggs.

What drugs can increase protein levels?

Drugs that may cause increased protein levels include the anabolic steroids, androgens (male hormones), growth hormone, insulin, and progesterone.

Does urine have more protein than protein shakes?

Urine should certainly not contain more protein in it than a protein shake. If there are too high levels of protein in the urine, it is known as proteinuria.

Will egg and milk protein make you gain weight?

yes this is becaise they contain high levels of protein and fats