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Males generally loose anywhere from 8-21 pounds durning the first week know as hell week. Woman on avergae loose about 9-10 pounds if they are not bleeding from their vagina. If they are they may loose and additional pound.

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Q: How many lbs can you lose a week with insanity?
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How do you lose 7 lbs in a week?

stop eating Mcdonalds!

How do you lose 40 lbs in 1 week?

Sell your border collie. Losing 3 pounds a week, with exercise, is the most that you can safely lose in a week.

Your weight is 220 how many pounds per week should you lose to be close to 160?

No more than 2 to 3 lbs. per week. Keep in mind, you'll probably lose weight faster at first, then you'll do 2-3 lbs. per week, and at the end you'll lose 0 to 1 lb. per week. Over the entire process, you'll average 2 to 3 lbs. per week over approx. 6 months.

How many pounds will a person lose if they lose 2lbs per week in 3 months?

4 weeks in a month. 12 weeks. 24 lbs

How do you lose 20 lbs in 1 week percent?

There is many ways to lose weight! Do exercise, drink Green tea, running in morning, Jumping Rope

How can you lose 24 lbs in 1 week?

You cannot lose 24 pounds of body weight in one week by any natural means.

How many pounds a week can a person lose with out hurting their body?

2 lbs a week is safe. Any pounds beyond two will simply be water weight.

How many calories should you eat a week to lose 20 lbs?

That depends on your metabolism (anabolism/catabolism) rate and how much you exercise in any given week.

How much weight can you lose in 11 days by just drinking water?

On average, a person who fasts, drinking water only, can lose on average between 10-11 lbs. in one week. If the fast is continued (drinking plenty of water), you can lose 7-8 lbs. the second week, 3-4 lbs. the third week and up to 3 lbs. every week thereafter. However, this is, also, dependant on each person's amount of body weight. A person who is already low in body fat can lose less and a person who has more body fat can lose more weight.

How much weight can you lose on Daniel fast?

I lost 10 lbs every week

How long will it take for a lady to lose 60 pounds?

she could lose about 2 lbs a week, that would be a healthy weight loss/

How can you lose 10 pounds without having to lose any muscle mass?

I highly recommend reading up on the Atkins induction (week one) phase on You can lose 10 lbs. in a week or two and not lose muscle mass.