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It is very likely that the child will be overweight if it has overweight parents. Obviously eating habits of overweight people are passed on to their children along with genes and the lack of motivation for physical activity.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, it is more likely, but it is not guaranteed. Children pick up most of their habits (and genes) from their parents. They are most likely born with an over-eating gene (if you believe in the nature debate) and if the parents overeat, the children are likely to pick up that habit (the nurture debate).

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13y ago

all of dem in might be in der DNA of sumtin but u ain't gunna have a obese child and their parents be fat ? i don't make sence :P

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13y ago

22 million children under 5 worldwide are obese.

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12y ago

1 kid in america

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How many kids are obese in south America?

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How many kids are obese in the world today?

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How many kids in the US obese?

67.6% are obese in the world today!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

How many kids in the world are obese?

1 out of 10

How many children in the US are obese?

Approximately 18.5% of children in the US are considered obese.

What percentage of kids get obese because of there parents?

About 80% of kids are obese do to there parents.

How many kids are obese in the US today?


How many people are obese in America?

49,760,000 people in America are obese, and I am not sure how much of that is adult but Im sure it is over half, so about 30,000,000.

How many kids and adults are obese in the us?

prolly like a million

How do kids become obese?

Kids become obese when they eat too much and never want to excercise.

How many more kids are obese than 50 years ago?

About 600 more kids have the Cody Gilmore disease

What percentage of kids in California are obese?

67.6% are obese in the world today!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)