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There's no telling, it's all down to what and how much you are eating.

But 10 minutes is too short to lose any serious weight. Depending on your weight and pulse rate, you may only use up 100-150 calories in 10 minutes of running. And as it's about 7000 cals in a kilo of body weight, you'd need to keep at it for ages.

If your eating is spot on, you'd need 250-350 days to lose 5 kg.

And that is that is assuming yor eating is spot on to start with.

But maybe you're overeating with - say, 500 cals/day, that's only about one cupcake - then all you get from your 10 minutes of running is that you'll slow down your weight gain. So every serious attempt at weight loss has to start with getting your eating under control.

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Q: How many days do you have to run for 10 minutes to lose at least 5 kilos?
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