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So, how many daily calories for an adult? Well, factors such as current weight and level of activity fine-tune the answer.

Also, do you want to:

  • lose weight
  • maintain weight

Here are the general guidelines (then we move on to weight loss):

  • 2,000 daily calories for an adult woman (more if you are very active)
  • Pregnant women should be advised by their physician or medical adviser
  • 2,500 daily calories for an adult man (more if you are very active).

For the free vegetable and fruit calorie charts that are used as daily guides for either weight maintenance or weight loss use the page links given at the bottom of this answer.

For good health, avoid or limit refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat). Refined processed carbohydrates are high calorie unhealthy foods. Over-consumption of these foods is a major cause of Heart disease, type 1 Diabetes, excess stomach fat, insulin resistance, weight gain, obesity, hypertension, and many diet related diseases. If you are unsure what these foods are, you will find a a page link, to a list of high calorie refined processed carbohydrates, given at the bottom of this answer.

For weight loss:

Start by eating 300 to 500 less calories per day (than those given above) if you need to lose weight, and exercise more. Cardio (such as cardio walking) is an excellent exercise for health or weight loss. Bear in mind that less than 1,500 calories daily will put a serious strain on your nutritional requirements and your health.

In addition, cut out refined processed carbohydrates(apart from the occasional treat). As stated earlier in this answer, refined processed carbohydrates are high calorie foods and a major cause of weight gain, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and many other diet related diseases. As the bottom of this answer, you will find a page link leading to a list of refined processed carbohydrates.

In addition, at the bottom of this answer, there are page links leading to free Fruit and Vegetable Calories Charts to use as daily guides.


So, for the free charts and lists to show you the way use the page links given below.

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Q: How many daily calories for an adult?
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Depends if your a child probably 1,500 calories, but if your an adult 2,000 calories.

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The serving of this dish contains 350 calories. This amount is about 14 of the recommended daily calorie intake for an average adult, which is around 2,000 calories.

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a recommended daily diet for a adult is a balanced diet of vegetables,carbohydrates, and protein

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The recommended daily caloric allowance for an adult female is 2,200 calories. For a male, the allowance is 2,700 calories. The actual amount of calories needed depends on age and level of activity.

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daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men.

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Depending on the age of the boy, you can estimate a daily recommended allowance for calories to be in between 1500 to 2000 (with the later being the allowance for an Adult Male).

How many calories are you allowed in one day?

For men, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2500.For women, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2000.This will vary depending on amount of daily exercise and other factors.

How many calories are in a standard daily diet?

The amount of recommended calories per day varies depending on age, gender, height, weight, and level of activity. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, the daily calorie intake for adult women should be between 1,600 and 2,400, depending on level of activity. For adult men it ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 a day. The more active you are, the more calories are needed per day.

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46 calories per hour

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In the UK, a daily allowance is of 2,000 calories for an average adult female and 2,500 calories for an average adult male is recommended (as a base line). If a person is more or less active than an average person, then they will need more or less calories; a person should consume enough calories so that they maintain their weight (ie it stays within ±2 lbs or ±1 kg). Food nutritional labelling in the UK uses the average adult female when providing a percentage of the daily allowance (for energy, fat, sugar, etc), which is extremely funny when applied to a chocolate confection which is advertised as "not for girls" (ie it is meant for "men").