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Q: How many chocolate bars are produced per year?
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How many Hershey chocolate bars are sold each year?


How many bars of chocolate does an average person eat a year?

in your whole, entire, life, you will eat about fourteen-thousand, five hundred- eighteen chocolate bars!!! that's 14, 518 bars!!! that's like 12 shopping carts full of chocolate!!!!!!! =]

How many chocolate bars are there in great Britain?

It is estimated that British people eat about three bars of chocolate per week on average. That equates to an annual consumption of more than nine billion chocolate bars every year.

What year was chocolate bars made?

wispa bars were invented in the 1983.. :)

How many chocolate bars are sold each year?

over 5 million

What are the repercussions is any of eating chocolate bars that have expired a year a go?

you get chocolate that tastes a year older than chocolate that you would have bought a year after that

How much money is chocolate?

The United Kingdom is a large consumer of chocolate. They eat about 605,000 tons of chocolate per year on average.

What was Hershey's chocolate bars first year in store?

The first year for Hershey chocolate in stores were 1903 in Milton Hershey's own shop.

What is the best candy bar of the year?

Milky Way chocolate bars yum!

How much chocolate is produced each year?

Approximately 4.7 million tons of chocolate are produced globally each year.

How much chocolate does Cadbury make each year?

Ninety million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced each year.

How much chocolate is consumed per year?

2 billion pounds is produced every year because so many people like it and use it for different occasions.