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10 - 15 cashews a day is roughly around 2 tsp oil and you need 6 tsp of oil a day (and you're getting the other 4 tsp oil from other stuff you eat a day) so unless everything else is completely oil-free then 10-15 is the right amount.

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15y ago

A handful, which is about ¼ cup or 30 grams. Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Most humans today do not get enough omega-3 fats in their diets. ¼ cup of walnuts is 20 grams of fat.

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Do hamsters eat cashews?

Yes, hamsters can eat cashews in moderation as an occasional treat. Cashews are high in fat, so it's important not to give them too many to avoid potential health issues.

Can cats safely eat cashews?

No, cats should not eat cashews as they can be harmful to their digestive system and may cause health issues.

Are sesame cashews fattening?

yes some are highly fat you can eat them once a day or I suppose once a week but if you eat daily you might be questioning how do I lose weight or how much do I have to weigh if I'm blah blab blah well peace around the world for many generations

Can cats eat cashews?

No, cats should not eat cashews as they can be difficult for them to digest and may cause stomach upset. It is best to stick to a diet specifically formulated for cats.

How many calories are in 2 cashews?

There are about 17.5 calories in 2 cashews.

Is it safe to eat cashews while pregnant?

Yes,Cause 10 years ago when my little sister was born my mom was eating cashews.

Can chickens eat cashews?

Chickens can eat cashews in moderation, but they should not make up a significant portion of their diet. Cashews should be given as an occasional treat due to their high fat content. Make sure the cashews are unsalted and not coated in any seasonings that could be harmful to the chickens.

How many calories in 7 cashews?

1 cashews worth more than 6

What happens when eat too many cashews?

I find it funny to run across your question because I was just wondering the opposite. I bought a bag of cashews and every day that I have eaten them, my stools are softer and more easily passed.

Can you eat cashews raw?

You can but it is bad for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many types of cashews are there?


How many mini carrots can you eat daily?

You can eat as many carrots as you want!