There is no fat in wine.
It would contain about 55-60 calories.
How much sugar is in White Zinfandel as opposed to coke?
There are 114 calories in a 4.1 fl oz glass of average sweet, white Zinfandel wine. .
White Zinfandel has 1 to 7 grams of carbs in 1 ounce. The carb count varies greatly between brands and wineries.
There are about 600 calories in an entire bottle of Zinfandel. However, the moderate consumption of beer, wine or spirits does not increase weight. However, it does contribute to good health and longevity.
a white zinfandel
Wines do not have caffeine in them. They are made from grapes.
Zinfandel can be red or pink and they are completely different wines.
3 to 5 years.
By law, a wine labeled as Zinfandel must contain a minimum of 75% Zinfandel.
White Zinfandel should be served chilled but, a red Zinfandel is not served chilled.