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That depends on the weight of the potatoes in the sack. For the carbohydrates in potatoes by weight, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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Q: How many carbohydrates are in a sack of potatoes?
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Related questions

What is collective noun for potatoes?

The collective noun is a sack of potatoes.

Do turnips have carbohydrates in them?

yes, but not as many as potatoes

A sack of potatoes weighs 20 lbs and holds 200 potatoes. A sack of apples weighs 20 lbs and holds 325 apples How many apples are there in a 20 lb sack?

None. You never said 20lb sack actually had any apples in it. :)

What is air sack?

its many things. two of which are an empty sack of potatoes, and an organ inside a fish(aka air bladder)

Can you make sentence with sack?

I carried a heavy sack of potatoes back from the market.

What metric unit do you use to measure the mass of a sack of potatoes?


Is blue potatoes high in carbohydrate?

Baby red potatoes are high in carbohydrates because they are potatoes. Potatoes are a starch that turns into simple sugars.

Where are potatoes carried?

Usually at supermarkets or grocery stores.

Are dehydrated potatoes carbohydrates?

Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, though they contain other substances too.

What has the most carbohydrates potatoes cheese nuts or chicken?


Why are potatoes not considered paleo?

Potatoes aren't considered paleo by many people because they contain a high amount of starch and carbohydrates.

Why do you need potatoes?

Potatoes have got starch and they are carbohydrates, you need carbohydrates because they provide energy that you will use throughout the day. Also because they are soo good and you can't get enough of them so many choices French fries , crisps , Jacket potatoes etc.