It doesn't matter how many calories you burn - if you burn more each day in exercise than you consume each day in food, you'll lose weight.
But if you're a big eater, you could work out 20 hours a day and not lose weight.
The standard is 3500 calories to 1 pound of weight.
You can't lose weight by guessing. You will need to know how many calories you need per day by the amount of exercise you do. The average person burns 2000 calories per day. In order to maintain homeostasis within the body, your intake of calories should match how many calories you burn.
yes, they burn calories
Well you should be able to ask your doctor if he has any information on a diet wait loss plan. Also you should be able to look information about it on the internet.
Who weights 69 pounds and is worried about there calorie intake and how much they should burn?
Consume less calories than you burn.
No, you do not burn calories just by being scared.
There are plenty of the weight loss sites were you can burn fat and calories and they see the diet tips that can be used when it comes to weight loss. have an article were it explain about how to burn fat.
on average 7000
Since it is a physical activity, you will certainly burn calories doing it. But you will completely ruin your throat before you see any benefits in the form of weight loss.
blueberries burn fat and celery burns calories
Depends. At first, muscle exerice tends to promote muscle development, and muscles have weight to them. But more muscles means you can burn more calories when exercising, and more burn can help with weight loss.