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Q: How many calories should i eat a day to lose 15 pounds in one month if i am 5'2 and133 pounds?
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How many calories should a sedentary woman eat to loose 10 pounds in a month?

A sedentary women needs about 1,600 calories.

What's the FASTEST Way it lose pounds in a half month?

The fastest way to lose pounds in a month is to restrict your calories and exercise as much as possible.

How long would it take to loss 100 pounds in 4 moths if you havent loss any weight?

u would have to loss 25 pounds a mouth which is 87,500 calories a mouth u would have to loss 25 pounds a month which is 87,500 calories a month

How many calories should a 15-year-old girl eat if she wants to lose 10 pounds in a month?

a normal amount, but just do a lot of exercise

How many pounds does 400 calories equal?

0 every pound is about 3,500 calories. but 400 times 30 is 12,000 which is about 4 pounds so burning 400 pounds a day for a month will do anyone good.

If you burn 400 calories everyday how much weight will you lose in 1 month?

about 3.2 pounds. results may vary depending on the amount of calories you take in.

How much weight can you lose eating fruit for a month?

i did that and i lost 60 pounds in 1 month it was awesome u should try it. i did that and i lost 60 pounds in 1 month it was awesome u should try it.

If you weigh 166 pounds and eat 1200 calories per day how much will you weigh in a month?

1200 calories is a way too strict diet, don't even try it.

How many calories six month baby?

You should wait until they are at least a year old when they are about 4000 calories for the whole thing.

How many calories should you burn a day to lose 12 lb a month?

3,500 calories = 1 pound of body fat

How many calories to lose in a day to lose 5 kgs in a month?

You need to burn around 7716 calories to loose 1 kg. So for 5 kgs its 38580 calories. Considering 30 days in a month, so for 1 day its around 38580/30 = 1286 calories. As per recommendations, its not good to loose more than 2 pounds (almost 1 kg) per week (note: 2.2 pounds = 1kg).

How many calories should a 15 month old toddler be consuming?

not too much