There are 170 calories in 1 pint of Guinness. In 100mL: Calories: 30.0 kcal Carbohydrate: 1.5g Protein: 0.4g Fat: 0.0g Alcohol: 3.3g
200 calories in a pint of Guinness
That depends on the brewer and the different ingredents they used to brew it. For Guiness (a brand of dark Irish ale), their draught has 210 calories per pint and their stout has about 170 per pint.
guiness (:
A Lot.
There are a few different retailers that one can purchase a Lulu Guiness bag. Besides ordering a bag directly from Lulu Guiness, one of the places where a person could buy a Lulu Guiness bag is JCPenney's. Another convenient option where a Lulu Guiness bag can be bought is from Ebay.
In Australia light beer means less alcohol, that is done by adding less sugar or malt, resulting in a beer also lighter in calories. Not sure about other countries. In America, it refers to less calories. To achieve this, they use more water and less malt and hops, hence reducing the ABV%. WELL ONLY IF YOU DRINK IT !!!!!!!
There are 203 calories in 203 calories.
Actually that little ball at the bottom of a guiness beer can is called a "Widget".
About 6 or 7 euro when I was in Dublin in 2009. Tthat was for a Guiness, which is brewed there.
28 according to the guiness world records, this was recorded in china 2008