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Q: How many calories do you lose walking up a ramp 17 times?
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How many calories can you lose on a walk if your 14?

There are a lot of calories that one could lose in a day simply by walking. On an average day, one could hope to lose about 500 calories by walking. It takes 3500 calories lost to lose a pound.

How many calories do you have to lose to lose 23 pounds?

there are 3,500 calories in a pound so times that by 23 and your answer is80,500

How many miles do you have to walk in a week to lose 5 pounds?

In order to lose one pound, you must create a deficit of 3,500 calories, so to lose five pounds, you would need to burn five times as many calories, or 17,500 calories. The number of calories you will burn by walking depends on your weight and the speed at which you walk. At a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour, most people will burn between 60 and 70 calories per mile. Therefore, to lose five pound by walking alone, you'll need to walk at least 250 miles.

If you burn 3 times as many calories as you eat in a day will you lose weight?


How many calories does a football player lose?

They lose 5647 calories an hour

How many calories can you burn walking for 21 mins if i weigh 106 pounds?

You can lose 120 calories depending on how fast you walk. I'm 15 and weigh 95 pounds so I would lose less :P. GOOD LUCK!

How many carbs can you eat a day and lose 2 pounds a week?

About 1000, more if you exercise. Each hour walking is about 100 calories.

Is walking a good way to lose weight?

That really depends on a persons body. there are many factors that come into play when it comes to burning calories. Size weight, and overall health can make quite a differance in burning calories wether walking or running.

How many calories do you need to take in daily if your resting energy used is 1300 and your calories burned is 2400?

To lose 2400 calories a day you should do fast walking at least an hour and stepping stair an hour will also be helpful.

How many calories must you burn to lose 5 kg?

To lose a pound you have to burn 3500 so times five would be 17500 calories and you would lose five pounds, good luck!

How many calories should you burn to lose weight?

It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound

How many calories you have to burn to lose a lbs?

3500 calories must be burned to lose one pound.