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It depends on weight time your doing it and speed sometimes even heat!

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Q: How many calories do you burn when you do the mountain climbers exercise?
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How many calories do you burn in a half an hour of exercise?

It depends. On what you weigh, and how fast you're walking. Most stair climbers in gyms have a calorie readout.

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In which exercise you burn more calories?

athletics would be the strong sport to doand you will burn more calories

How many calories do you burn doing exercise?

It all depends on the exercise that you do.

Do isometric exercises burn a lot of calories?

Isometric exercise will not burn very many calories. While it does burn some, it is a strength training exercise, whereas something like sit ups or running burns calories.

What exercise do you need to burn calories?

Any exercise would work, I personally enjoy running. But, there is a way to burn 500 calories without working out at all.

How much exercise does it take to burn 76 calories?

that depends on what type of exercise you are performing. Differant exercises require differant times & burn differant calories

Is wearing more clothes when you exercise burn more calories?

Depends if the clothe is hot it will burn more calories but if its normal clothe it won't burn alot of calories.