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It varies based on who you ask, but most will agree that a real "binge" is the eating of over 1,000 to 2,000 calories (more than those amounts) in one sitting in a short amount of time.

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Q: How many calories constitutes a binge?
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Will you gained weight from a 2000 calorie binge on top of 700 calories that day?

The weight gained will be dependent upon how many trees, ladders, hills or mountains were climbed before, during or immediately after your binge and your typical normal daily intake.

Which would not be used by individuals in the binge eating type of anorexia?

A binge is in an "anorexic" tendency if the person later fasts, severly restricts, or excessively exercises for the next few days to "make up for" the calories eaten during that binge. A binge is in a "bulimic" tendency is the person later purges by vomiting or laxative abuse to rid their body of much of the food from the binge.

If you binge and then vomit the food up do the calories stay in your body?

Some of the calories will remain in the body. It depends a lot on how digested the food was, and how much was vomited back up.

What most people with binge disorders do?

People with binge disorders will eat thousands of calories at once, but will not purge the food. If someone did the exact same thing but vomited it up, then that person would be considered bulimic.

Why does bulimia lead to weight gain?

Well, the constant bingeing and purging for one... it is said that a third of the calories consumed during a binge are not purged... so if you binge and have about 900 calories, and you purge, you still wont have gotten rid of all the calories. you will still have 300 in you. that's clearly very little, but if you have a massive binge, then you hold in more calories. also, the digestive process begins the minute you put food in your mouth, and if your binges last a long time, then by the time you're done eating, a lot of the stuff you have eaten will have probably been broken down already... it sucks, but that's what happens!

Is binge drinking addictive?

No. However, binge drinking is an unwise practice and creates many dangers.

What is the typical day of someone with this disorder of bulimia nervosa?

It varies for each person, but the general pattern is starting the day off planning to "eat right", which is usually an extreme diet, losing control at some point and binge eating thousands of calories for several minutes, then vomiting or using laxatives to rid the body of calories consumed during the binge.

The term bulimia nervosa is?

The term Bulimia Nervosa is used to describe someone who will go on a binge and eat a lot of food, as many as 20,000 calories, and then purges it from their system by vomiting or using a laxative or ipacac syrup.

What does binge drinking do to peoples lives?

Binge drinking can end de rives of many peoprle and den dey will die.

Binge eating disorder the same as impulsive eating?

They are separte eating disorders, but do have a common thread. Binge eating is where a person "binges" often. A binge is where a person consume large amounts (to the tune of hundreds to thousands) of calories in a very short amount of time. Impulsive eating is where a person sees or thinks of a food and they just randomly decides to eat it.