This is a question with variable answers, however I'll assume your talking about burning fat rather than muscle. In one kilogram of fat (or 1000 grams) there is approximately 37,000 kilojoules of energy, or 8837 Calories. So by dividing this by ten, there is 3700 kilojoules (884 Calories) of energy. Thats quite a lot.
When loosing weight as part of a reconfiguration towards a healthier lifestyle, you want to loose fat instead of muscle, so its important to do weight training as well as cardiovascular or aerobic based exercise.
Your body's weight however is bound to fluctuate. You can easily loose 100 grams by going to the bathroom and excreting, through sweat loss while exercise, and you will weigh more directly after a main meal like dinner than you will three hours post meal. Its very normal for the bodily weight to increase and decrease by this much throughout the day.
To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. So burning 2,000 calories means you burnt about 2/3 of a pound.
The amount of calories needed to lose weight varies from person to person. The best advice is to eat small, healthy meals and to exercise daily. Best of luck to you.
Approximately 150 calories an hour.
How many calories are in 26 grams of carbohydrates?"
Grams of what?
30 to 50 grams. You need to take less number of the calories, as such.
average is about 0.56
30 to 60 grams per day. But total calories are more important to lose the weight.
There are 15 calories in 4 grams of sugar.
14 grams of fat has 126 calories.
About 48 calories in 50 grams banana.
They lose 5647 calories an hour