The amount of calories burned per kilometer depends upon a person's weight and the speed they are walking or jogging. For walking, 80 calories and for running around 110 calories. These values would vary, for an individual calculation see the related links.
The number of calories burned is really determined by the weight of the walker. For a 180 pound walker, the number of calories burned per minute are 9.16.
for a person weight 220 pds walk 5 km in 1 hour burn about 520 calories in winter time outdoor
The answer is 200 calories. The trampoline is the second fastest calorie burner on the planet. Trampolining - correctly, using routines (not just bopping around) - burns 3 times more calories than jogging. 30 minutes of jogging at 5.5 km per hour burns 407 calories. Therefore trampolining burns 200 in just 10 minutes.
there is 3280.8399 ft per km
1000 meters per km
About 13.73 km per liter.
There are 1000 m per km, or .001 km per m. 1900m = 1.9 km.
1.60934 km per hour
About 37 km per hour.
100,000 centimeters per km
1,000 meters per km.
I work from a really simple formula that works for running or walking: one calorie per kilogram of bodyweight per km or "calories = kg per km" I know it is not exact but is close enough to work out dietary requirements MOST of the time. Example: 90kg person walks 10 km burns 900 Calories. One still needs to add in the basal metabolic rate of "calories = kg per hour". So that in the above example, in one day a 90kg person runs (or walks) 10km their total calorie for the day equals: 90 kg x 24hours = 2160 PLUS 90 kg x 10km = 900 =>3060 Calories.