Each gram is worth 4 calories, so 30 grams is 120 calories.
GramsFifteen grams equal one carbohydrate.
Depends on what the gram is of.
4 Calories are in a gram of carbohydrates Scientist right here :-)
167 grams of carbohydrates is equal to 668 calories.
how many carbohydrates in one patatoe saying in a 100 grams of a weighed patatoe
carbohydrates have 4 calories in every gram
1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories.
one gram of sugar eguals one carb. I went on calorie-count.com and checked after trying to find the answer myself and landing on your question.
This question is impossible to answer. A "calorie" is a measure of energy. A "gram" is a measure of weight. So asking how many grams are in a calorie, is like asking how many seconds are in a foot or how many inches are in a minute.
1 gram = 1,000 milligramsRegardless of what it's composed of.
There is one calorie per nine grams of fat. [Calorie is the measurement/unit] :)