

Best Answer

900-240 calouries depending on how much you weigh.

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Q: How many Calories playing rounders?
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Related questions

How many players playing rounders?

there are 9 players on a rounders team a bowler a backstop 3 deep fielders and 4 players on posts

Skills of playing rounders?

To be good at rounders you have to be a very good catcher, have a good aim, throw quite far and accurate. You also have to be quite fast to get a full rounders.

What are you not allowed to do when playing rounders?

don't look back

What muscles do you use when playing rounders?

all of them man

How many in a rounders team?

There are 9 players on a rounders team.

How many calories do you burn playing rugby?

I think they burn at least 110 calories

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How many calories do you burn playing Nintendo Wii tennis or bowling?

You burn about 5.3 calories per minute playing Wii Tennis.

How many innings are there in a rounders match?

Five innings constitute a game of rounders

How many calories can be burned playing an hour of baseball?

a lot !=]

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Need these when playing certain sports?

you neeed trainers while playing certain sports,rounders and running