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The length of time it takes to starve a body to lose 60 pounds varies from person to person but should never be intentionally attempted. This means of weight loss is unhealthy, and can actually lead to more health problems or even weight gain because the body begins conserving fat as a response to starvation.

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Q: How long does it take to starve yourself to loose 60 pounds I'm going to try it?
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If you intend to starve yourself for a week to lose weight how many pounds will you lose - please just answer the question rather than say not to do it?

You will probably loose like 3-5 pounds

To loose 25 pounds how many calories must you burn?

1 pound of fat = 3,500 calories. So 25 pounds of fat is 87,500 calories. Remember, start slowly, keep EXERCISING, and don't go below the 2,000 calories per day mark (or starve yourself).

How do you reduce excess fat in thighs?

Diet, excersise and starve yourself you'll loose a lot of weight really fast trust me it works.

You have dicided to starve myself how long will it take for a 5'4 15 year old at 8 stone 9 to loose a stone or more?

Never starve yourself to loose weight! Try doing Leslie Sansone workout videos (buy at target) and joining a Weight Watchers Program.....Good Luck!

If you drink green tea and 4 gallons of water and starve yourself how many pounds would you lose in 1 day?

One day? None, you'd actually gain water weight depending on how much water you normally drink. But over time you'd loose weights. You'd loose it slower at first, then it's get to about 4-6 pounds a week, but slowly tapering off as your metabolism slowed.

How do you loose 20 pounds by starving yourself for 10 days urgent?

Go ahead, try it. Completely starve yourself for 10 days. Let yourself experience the brink of death. Honestly, if you starve yourself like that, all that will happen is: - You will pass out A LOT as you have absolutely no nutrients in your body - The second you eat something, you'll gain a TON of weight. Why? Your body thinks you're always going to be starving, so it completely stores everything you eat as fat. You won't be able to get your metabolism back to normal for AT LEAST a month after that. Possibly even a year. Seriously, I've been down the same path, it's not fun. You aren't fat, you don't need to lose 20 pounds. If you really, really, want to lose it, don't be stupid - just make good decisions! Want a snack? Just eat an apple. Apples encourage weight loss. As for meals? EAT NORMALLY. I'm dead serious, don't starve yourself.

How long does it take to loose 60 pounds by starving yourself I'm going to try it?

Each body and person is different, as is how long it would take to lose 60 pounds by starving yourself. However, this should never be used as a weight loss method. It is unhealthy, and diet and exercise are much better options.

You always get hungry how can you not think about food cos you reallly wanna start to starve myself for formal you need to loose 10 kgs you want to be 50 kgs please help someone?

Honey, you have issues. You should NEVER starve yourself, you loose weight faster by eating then you do by not eating. You are being very stupid for thinking that way.

People are calling you fat and you want to starve myslef what should you do?

Definitely don't starve yourself! people are cruel and just say mean things to make themselves feel better. If you really want to loose weight then try exercising. that's a good way to loose weight that doesn't include messing up your body

How can you starve yourself and not get fat?

Well you shouldn't starve yourself in the first place. Because what happens is you starve yourself then your body gets used to that. So then when you try to eat your body doesn't take it in because it's used to you not eating. And then you can get very in healthy. But I recommend a diet that Is a no carb diet! It's very hard. But you can loose about 1lb a day! All you have to do is eat like no bread, not even wheat bread! No sugar! No rice! There is more but that is the concept. Hope this helped you. ;)

How can diet affect an athletics performance?

well if u diet u loose strength and muscle and if u starve yourself, each time you eat it will store it as fat. so if u starve youself u pretty much gang more weight

Is 115 pounds 4' 11'overweight for an 11 year old girl. if so how to loose 20lbs in 3 weeks?

You are not considered overweight, and you are in the HEALTHY range.your BMI is 23.2 which is in the healthy loose a couple pounds just eat healthy and drink water.Dont starve, it will make you gain more weight.