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It depends upon how much you have taken in meal and how hard exercise you want to do. If you have had light meal and want to do heavy exercise than you should wait till one or two hour and if you have taken heavy meal than you should wait for two and half or three hour than you should do exercise.

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Q: How long after meal exercise should be done?
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Im drinking meal replacements for every meal and doing 1000 crunches a day will I get abs?

Yes, you will get abs as long as you continue doing this. Daily exercise is very healthy for you.

What is the recommended composition of the post game meal of the athlete?

An athlete's post-game meal should definitely be high in protein. Protein helps muscles to be repaired that have been damaged by exercise.

How long should your meal break be at work if you are under 18?

30 minutes

Should you exercise before or after a meal?

Exercise should be performed in the morning on empty stomach and it is good to have light breakfast after exercise. One should also remember that don't just rest after meals. It is good to have slow walk for 10-15 minutes after meals. Very important thing about exercise, which I always convey to all my patients is "How much exercise you do is not important but how regular you do is more important". Do not give a break to exercise even if it is your own wedding day. Generally, it's best to exercise after meals. Your body needs readily available energy to burn in order to perform well and exercising when you're hungry and deprived of energy isn't the best. On the other hand, exercising strenuously immediately after a meal could cause cramps or an upset stomach- it's probably best to wait a half hour or more after a meal before exercising. If you are about to exercise, a light snack such as a protein-enriched granola bar might be best if it's a while before your next meal.

How long before a meal should Topzole be taken?

fifteen min before meals

How long should you wait after your meal before you ran?

about 1 1/2 hours

In order to deal with Belly fat should you reduce food or exercise?

Your best bet is to reduce your meal size to the size of your fist. Cut out soda, fats and sugary foods. Exercise will help you feel better in general.

Will eating one meal on the Cambridge diet ruin everything you have done so far?

you should be healthy eat more

Will you burn more calories if you exercise one hour before a meal?


What is the book called that tells the story of the escape and sets your everything that should be done during the passover meal?

The book is called a 'haggadah'.

What do you get at the end of your meal at a restaurant?

If it is just the meal, then dessert if you ordered it. If you are done with the entire meal, then probably the bill from the waiter.

When is best time to eat after exercise?

ASAP. After exercise and weight training your body is in the anabolic window. This window lasts about 45 mins after your workout. Especially after weight training, the meal should consist of fast and slow digesting proteins, such as whey and casein.