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Food is broken down in a process called respiration. Enzymes are usually involved in the breakdown of food. Proteins are broken to amino-acids by protease, Carbohydrates broken down to simple sugars e.g fructose and glucose and Lipids (fats & oils) are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol by Lipase. Once they are broken down, they are taken to the cells where they're respired to produce Energy, Metabolic water and carbon-dioxide.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

That would depend on the type of food. If the food is complex then it has to be digested and broken down into molecules that can be absorbed across the intestinal lining. This will take time and the process would be gradual (lasting hours).

However, if the food was pure glucose no digestion would be needed and the molecule would be available in the blood in a few minutes.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I do not really know I was just trying to look up the question if someone finds it please post it on this site.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It depends on the food. As soon as it is broken down, the food is used or stored in the form of calories. The term "calorie" only means the foods potential energy amounts.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The sun gives energy to the food, being used to exercise.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

i believe it takes 20 min of moderate aerobic exercise to start using fat rather than glycogen storage for energy

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Satvik Deshmukh

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βˆ™ 3y ago

On an average, the solid food takes 2 to three hours to get digested and convert into energy. However, the snack foods take less time to convert into energyΒ .

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Q: How long after eating food is it converted into calories?
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How long does it take to turn calories into energy?

After eating, it typically takes 6-8 hours for the body to fully convert food into energy. The process involves digestion, absorption of nutrients, and transportation of molecules to cells. Once in the cells, nutrients are converted into energy through processes like glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.

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You need to give a lot more information if you want a real answer. What is your current height/weight/age/sex. How active are you? How long have you been eating that many calories? How many calories were you eating before that? If you are eating 1100 calories of sugar and simple carbs your body will literally consume your muscle to conserve your fat.

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It all really depends on how long you wait with food in your body before purging. It takes 1 to 4 hours for food to move past your stomach. You do not absorb nutrients or calories until your small intestine.

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Energy (i.e calories). This stored fat can be converted easily into energy that your body can use - useful if there is no food available for a long time.

What can be obtained from stored body fat and is needed to keep the body alive?

Energy (i.e calories). This stored fat can be converted easily into energy that your body can use - useful if there is no food available for a long time.

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Is weight watchers a good diet program?

Yes it is, it allows you to write down you food and how many points it is for what you are eating. It lets you maintain the number of fat and calories you are taking in and what is going to help you in the long run.

How many calories should a 5 foot 3 inch thirteen year old be eating?

it tells you on nearly every food item you buy! it depends on the size and height of the child though , as long as a 13 yr old burns off what they take in , in calories theres nothing to worry about .. although usually about 1900 calories a day, unless they are very athletic then about 2100 calories.

Advantage of eating from the four food group?

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Yes You can lose weight eating anything as long as you are burning more calories than you are taking in.

Is it bad to eat around 200 less calories than what you need per day?

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How long did Andrew Zimmern been eating food?

From birth to death.