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I read in a science book that if you had a zero calorie diet you would die. period

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Q: How little calories can someone eat before they starve to death?
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What would happen in you only eat 100 calories?

You would starve.

Why should your daily intake be limited to 20 to 30 calories?

It shouldnt. You will starve very quickly if it is.

How long does it take to mummify a body?

about 72 days to mummify someone. during that time the family mourns by wearing black and eating so little they almost starve.

What happens if you don't consume enough calories?

As you continue to burn calories but do not take enough more in, you will begin to burn off fat and lose weight. If this continues, your body will begin to starve.

What would happen if you only ate 200 calories a day?

Eating only 200 calories a day is very dangerous. This would starve the body. A person would also experience problems in deficiencies from essential vitamins and minerals. If continued, a person would lose weight and also quickly starve to death.

I know starving yourself is bad for me and I know the consequences. So please don't tell me them. I just want to know if I starve myself how long will it take before I see results in my weight loss?

Answer When you don't eat, your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) slows down so your body ends up fighting itself. The way to lose weight is to eat healthy food in moderation and to exercise. You have to restrict your food intake to be a little less than what your body burns throughout the day. If you starve yourself your body will start taking muscle and will damage your vital internal organs and you will never be healthy. Do not starve yourself to lose weight. You will cause long term damage in the way your body burns calories, your skin, your heart, liver, etc.

A word for a time when people starve because there is so little food?

A famine.

To loose 25 pounds how many calories must you burn?

1 pound of fat = 3,500 calories. So 25 pounds of fat is 87,500 calories. Remember, start slowly, keep EXERCISING, and don't go below the 2,000 calories per day mark (or starve yourself).

Please do not give any health information about what can happen - but how long do you have to starve yourself before you start losing weight?

Though dangerous, starvation (no food or caloric intake at all) can result in weight lossin a few days. Severe calorie reduction (below 1,000 calories a day) will technically "starve" the body, and result in weight loss after about 10 or so days.

What is caused when too little calories are taken in?

Weight loss happens when you eat less calories than you use up. If you have weight to lose, this is probably a good thing. But if you eat a lot less calories than you need, your body might go into "energy saving mode". You get cold, slow and tired. Your immune system weakens. Eventually, you start breaking down muscle tissue to remain alive. You get emaciated. Ultimately you starve to death.

Who is the skinest person in the world?

probaly someone from the holocaust cuz they were trying to starve them to death

Is it good to eat calories?

Yes, your body needs them to survive. When you eat and drink calories, your body turns them into energy and fuel. This helps you to function properly, give you energy to move and breathe, and give you energy to participate in other hobbies, activities, and sports. If you did not have calories, you would starve.