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If you are new to fasting it is best that you only fast for one day/once a week periods to start, and after a few weeks add an additional day. Begin your fast after dinner one night, and do not consume foods again until dinner the next night. It is fine to drink juices, but not acidic ones (orange, grapefruit)and herbal tea, as both will help the release of toxins built up in the body. While you fast you may feel discomfort (headaches, nausea, general body weakness) but these are just signs of the toxins coming out of your body. When you end your fast, do not go out and get the biggest meal you can find, instead savor your foods, chew them alot, or slower than usual and eat what you'd normally eat for dinner. At first fasting may make you feel bad, but when those toxins clear out of your body you will feel amazing, and have lost quite a bit of weight. Good Luck!

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15y ago
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15y ago

in order to lose weight you need to do a few things correctly. One of them is eating every 2-3 hours. Since you are eating this often though the "meals" must be smaller in comparison to the meals you would eat normally (about 500 or less calories).. The reason for this is that you are constantly burning calories throughout the day and when you intake calories in a small amount they are easily burned and will not turn into fat and extra weight. Say you ate 3 meals a day every 5 hours but they were bigger. Then you burn say 300 of those calories and the other 200 turn into fat or weight. You should really be eating only when you can burn those calories. If you eat a 1000 calories at once then you would have to have just run 10 miles for those to not turn into extra weight. exercise is important because it burns extra calories which allows you to either eat a little more or eat the same amount and lose a little more weight.

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13y ago

Cut to a 1500 calorie a day diet. There are certain foods that are low in cals and fats but are still filling, so if you stick to those you shouldn't feel like you are depriving yourself of sustenance.

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Absolutely not. That is the least healthy thing to do.

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that should be pretty obvious. gain-eat more food & have late snacks lose-work out. DONT diet. that should be pretty obvious. gain-eat more food & have late snacks lose-work out. DONT diet.

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