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Q: How fast can you lose belly fat if you run in place or run out of place for ten minutes every day?
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Will walking for 20 minutes and dancing for 20 minutes and 30 minutes belly-dancing a day enough to lose weight?

Depends. if your walking/running fast and really getting a work out then yes. i eat a lot and i dance ballet 1 hour once every week and run a lot and it's working.

If you do not eat will you lose belly fat fast?

No, if you do not eat, you will not lose belly fat fast. In fact, you will starve yourself and your fat will begin to store itself in your midsection. Instead of not eating, try eating a well balanced meal and exercising approximately 30 minutes per day.

What is the fast time for 1.5 mile run?

A very fast one is 9 minutes something. My friend from 7th grade ran 1.5 miles, he always got first place on every meet. He was very good. His time was 9 minutes and something, that's a pretty fast time.

Does a space station go fast or slow?

A space station orbits the Earth at a high speed, typically around 28,000 kilometers per hour (17,500 miles per hour). This speed allows it to counteract the pull of gravity and remain in orbit around the Earth.

Where online can I find the best ways to lose belly fat?

A good way to lose belly fat is jogging. 30 to 45 minutes of jogging three to four times a week should cut down your belly fat fairly fast. If you have the time, extending your jogs to an hour or more is very effective.

I started my two clocks at the same. one is slow and loses 2 minutes every hour the other one is fast and gains 1 minute every hour. how long will it take for the faster clock to be 1 hour ahead?

20 hours because the fast clock technically gains 3 minutes every hour. An hour has 60 minutes, so if you divide that by 3 you get 20.

If travel 8 miles every 5 minutes how fast are you driving in mph?

You are averaging 96 mph at that rate.

Why is a coyote fast?

they are fast cause they got shoked by a volt wile there in the moms belly.

How do you get the 101 harvest spirits fast?

not really you practicly have to unlock every place in the map

How do you dissolve belly fat? A good and delicious 42 recipes to help dissolve belly fats fast. Copy the link into your browser.

If you eat fast food were does the fat go to?

your belly you idiot

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No. That's as fast as results are refreshed.