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When combined with a reduced calorie diet, vitamin D aids weight loss. This is because without it, the body produces more of an enzyme called synthase, which is an enzyme which turns calories into fat, rather than metabolising them.

So it turns out that vitamin D is good for weight loss.

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Can taking vitamin d cause weight loss?

no it can't but you can be healthier and you will look like kim kardasian

What is the best advantage of taking a vitamin D supplement?

Vitamin D helps the immune system and reduces the risk of serious illnesses including heart disease. It also reduces the chance of Alzheimer's and aids in weight loss.

What are the two most effective way to prevent osteoporosis?

weight bearing exercise ( as bones grow on stress lines) and adequate Vitamin C intake (with adequate vitamin D, as Vitamin C requires Vitamin D to be absorbed).

What happens if vitamin d is less?

you loss bone density

Can weight gain be a side effect of D-amphetamine salt combo?

I've heard of some people actually gaining weight on amphetamines, but generally weight loss is what happens.

What is health effect of vitamin d?

When Vitamin D is synthesized in the kidneys, it helps regulate the health of your bones through calcium and phosphate mineralization. Vitamin D will help prevent rickets, and frail bones.

What drugs can interfere with vitamin D?

Drugs that can interfere with vitamin D absorption or metabolism include corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, and certain weight-loss medications like orlistat. These drugs can reduce vitamin D levels in the body or affect its conversion into its active form. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking these medications to ensure you are maintaining adequate vitamin D levels.

What type of vitamins should a person who had A WEIGHT LOSS surgery take?

Individuals who have had weight loss surgery may need to take vitamin supplements due to reduced absorption of micronutrients. Commonly recommended vitamins include vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, and a multivitamin. It is important for individuals to consult with their healthcare provider to determine the specific supplementation regimen that is appropriate for their individual needs.

What is the effect if we don't have vitamin d?

People who have deficiency of Vitamin D may have bones disorder and body ach. The best way to recoup Vitamin D is to have morning shine of rising sun thogh like other vitamins tablets of Vitamin D is also available in the market.

What are the two effective ways to prevent osteoporosis?

weight bearing exercise ( as bones grow on stress lines) and adequate Vitamin C intake (with adequate vitamin D, as Vitamin C requires Vitamin D to be absorbed).

What are two effective ways to prevent osteoporosis?

weight bearing exercise ( as bones grow on stress lines) and adequate Vitamin C intake (with adequate vitamin D, as Vitamin C requires Vitamin D to be absorbed).

What are the most effective ways to prevent osteoporosis?

weight bearing exercise ( as bones grow on stress lines) and adequate Vitamin C intake (with adequate vitamin D, as Vitamin C requires Vitamin D to be absorbed).