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Q: How does sugar break down in your body?
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What does the body need to break down and use sugar and carbohydrates?


How do you get sugar in the body?

Break down (During Digestion) of food materials.

Does potato vodka break down into sugar?

While your body processes alcohol it is temporarily turned into sugar.

What disease is related to the body not being able to break down sugar?


Describe how you not get energy directly from the food that you eat?

When you consume food, your body breaks it down into sugar. Your body uses the sugar as energy for the cells. Some foods break down into sugar faster than others.

Honey is so easy to digest because?

Honey is a natural, unprocessed sugar which makes it easier for the body to break down.

Does sugar break down to release energy in the body?

Yes. This occurs during cellular respiration.

Where inside plants does the body break down sugar to produce energy?

In plant cells, sugar is broken down to produce energy in the mitochondria, just as in animal cells.

Describe how you do not get energy directly from the food that you eat?

When you consume food, your body breaks it down into sugar. Your body uses the sugar as energy for the cells. Some foods break down into sugar faster than others.

What are simple sugar?

They are sugars that the body can use directly, unlike complex sugars which the body has to first break down. Glucose is an example.

What part of the body contains enzymes that break down into simple sugar?

The salivary glands of the mouth (oral cavity) contains salivary amylases that break down starch and glycogen.

Can water break down sugar?
