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bad nutrition contributes to cancer. Without the proper nutrients needed to do their job, our bodies are fighting a losing battle to keep us healthy, the result being sickness and disease

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Q: How does nutrition affect the recovery of cancer patients?
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Cancer treatments can lead to lymphedema, this is a swelling that can interfere with the healing process. Compression pumps help to keep these swelling reduced and therefore help aid recovery.

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There are many websites with good articles covering specific aspects of nutrition, such as nutrition for cancer patients, for school children, diabetics, etc. Here are a few places to start for general nutrition information:,, and These should get you started and will provide links to many other sources for nutrition articles.

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In cancer patients, treatment with radiation therapy or chemotherapy may affect the cells in the intestine that normally secrete lactase, leading to intolerance.

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Nothing that we know of can fully prevent Cancer. But good Nutrition does a fine job of stalling it.

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Integrative Medicine Cancer and Nutrition - 2008 was released on: USA: May 2008

Are there any diet plans for cancer patients? This website has a lot of tips and tricks for a cancer patient. A few of the facts include: eating melons on their own and with no other fruits as well as combining certain fruits that work.

What are some ways that one can help out the families of cancer patients?

Cancer just doesn't simply affect the sufferer, but also their family and loved ones. The charity Macmillan Cancer Support offers both care and support for the sufferer and their family.