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You would have to speak directly to farmers to get their reactions to genetically modified food, but it is likely that if it makes them more profits with less effort, they like it in that respect.

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Q: How does genetically modified food help farmers grow crops under difficult circumstances?
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What is a farmers point of view on genetically modified food?

i have no clue

Why are farmers using genetically modified organisms?

They are genetically modified to taste better.

Does McCain use genetically modified potatoes?

McCain does not use genetically modified potatoes in its products. They source their potatoes from a network of local farmers who follow Good Agricultural Practices to ensure quality and sustainability.

What does the manipulation of DNA in plant crops allows farmers to produce?

genetically modified plants/fruits/vegetables

Is white corn genetically modified?

Some varieties of white corn have been genetically modified to enhance traits such as pest resistance or herbicide tolerance. It is important to check the labeling or contact the manufacturer if you are looking to avoid genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in your food.

What is a example of a genetically modified food and how is it created?

Genetically modified foods are actually quite common today. They are created by farmers using selective cross breeding and by scientists manipulating the food's genetic code. Common examples of this type of food are seedless fruits.

What kinds of problems do genetically modified crops with transgenes pose for farmers who do not grow the altered crop?

One problem GMO crops pose for farmers who do not grow them is cross pollination of GMOs in non-GMO crops, especially those that are grown organically.

Which reason best supports the central claim genetically modified foods?

Increased production and disease resistance, in the most benign scenarios. In the dirtiest scenarios, modified crops are engineered and then given a sort of 'copy protection' to prevent future generations of seed from being viable, forcing the farmers to purchase new seed each year.

How does genetically modified food help the world?

Almost all of the food we eat is genetically modified, originally by selective breeding and recently, in addition, by direct manipulation of DNA. Genetic modification can make food more abundant, more nutritious, more resistant to disease, more tolerant of harsh environmental conditions, and easier to pack and ship. It can also render the modified plants sterile so farmers cannot plant their seeds and must buy new seeds every year from the manufacturer.

How do scientists genetically modify watermelons?

Most of the food plants we use now are 'genetically modified' in the way of improving the amount of food able to be grown, the disease resistances of the plant, the quality and consistency of the food grown - but then farmers have been doing this type of work for hundreds of years, the scientists have only recently taken up the habit

Why are most countries not in favor of genetic modification?

Because genetically modified things can create unknown dangers that may not be immediately apparent. Through genetic modification, genes are introduced into an organism that will provide it with a desired trait. However, triggering that gene to come on may also trigger other genes to turn on that can't be anticipated or immediately identified and lead to undesirable consequences. Additionally, genes can cross over into other unintended species. For instance, the gene that makes corn produce its own toxins to fight off disease and infestations could potentially cross over to the bacteria in your gut, hence those toxins will be produced in your body indefinitely. Cross pollination can result in genetically modified plants crossing their genes over to non-genetically modified plants resulting in unintended modified crops that farmers may not even be aware of and could be sold as non-genetically modified to the unsuspecting consumer.

What are the current environmental issues on agricultural microbiology?

One of the biggest issues in agricultural microbiology is the increasing presence of genetically modified foods. Farmers might genetically modify their crops to increase a yield or to sell to different companies, but the effects on the people who eat that food are potentially very dangerous. The issue has caused much debate throughout the years.