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food travels in our body in a form of liquid after they are digested

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Q: How does food travels in the body?
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What is the function of the intestines in the crayfish?

the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.

What is the function of the intestine of the crayfish?

the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.

What part of the body does the food mostly goes into your bloodstream?

Food goes into the stomach and is distributed to the bloodstream from the intestines. From there it travels through various organs to provide energy.

Blood carries food and what to every cell in the body?

Blood doesn't carry food, food travels through the digestive system (Look it up) Blood carries oxygen and iron.

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Orbit is the path that a body follows as it travels around another body in space.

What is the function of the intestine in a crayfish?

the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.

What is a infection that travels throughtout the body called?

systemic; one that travels and infects the whole body.

How waste from food travels from the small intestine?

Waste from food travels to the small intesintine , through the process of digestion

What is the path the food travels through the digestive system?

The food starts in the mouth, travels down the esophagus to the stomach, travels from the stomach to the small intestine, travels then to to large intestine, and exits the body through the rectum then the anus.

What travels through a food chain and food web?
