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Okay so I'm going to manufacture a product called Hydroxycut and say that it causes weight loss.

In 2003 I am going to get sued and lose for making the false claims that my product is a "clinically proven fat burner"

Then in May of 2009 the FDA is going to come in and shut me down for making unsubstantiated claims again and force me to repay $30 million to customers I sold the unproven product, including the ones with liver damage and the family of the one person that died from using the product.

I'm going to lay low for a bit and "reformulate" a product that now contains nothing more than herbs, spices, and mostly caffeine.

In July of 2010 the FTC is going to fine me another $5.5 million for claiming my product not only causes weight loss but also treats or prevents colds, flu, Allergies, and hay fever. Wow!

And yet current law still allows me to operate.

After 6 months I'm going to launch a huge ad blitz with a lot of "trick" language that lets me continue to sell a product with absolutely no clinical evidence or documentation.

What could go wrong with this product?

Why, because people are desperate to lose weight and there will always be someone there to sell them a "quick fix remedy" that doesn't work. The $60 billion weight loss industry is just too lucrative and profitable for these guys to stay away.

If any of this stuff worked, why would 2/3 of US adults be overweight or obese?

Now, do you think it will work for you?

These supplement manufacturers are using human guinea pigs (you) for these products. As long as no one gets sick or dies, and they don't get fined or shut down they will keep making and selling this junk. Whether it works or not.

I am in no way a supporter of "big government" but hopefully the FDA will be given the authority some day to shut down these con men.

Look for more information on a diet plan that works without unapproved supplements at

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What happens if you take hydroxycut and Wellbutrin?

= If you take hydroxycut it's supposed to help you lose weight but studies show it can cause illness, sizers... and even death!!! =

Can take Oxycontin with hydroxycut?

if you want to have a heart attack

Can a 13 year old take hydroxycut?

absolutely not. it is not safe.

Should you stop using hydroxycut you are 40 years old?

No one should take hydroxycut. It is of no proven value and can cause high blood pressure.

Is the hydroxycut at walmart the same quality as at GNC?

hydroxycut is hydroxycut no matter where you buy it

How do you take hydroxycut hard core?

You cannot take it anymore because it was recalled for Liver damage

Is hydroxycut healthy?

No, Hydroxycut is not healthy. Recently the FDA advised consumers to stop using Hydroxycut as it poses serious health risks.

Can you take hydroxycut and no-xplode together?

Sure you can. Whether or not your heart will explode is the real question.

Is it safe for a 14 year old guy to take hydroxycut?

Generally, it is not safe for a 14 year old guy to take Hydroxycut or any other weight loss supplement. Any type of supplement should be cleared with a doctor before consumption.

Is it safe to take Hydroxycut with Percocet?

I don't know but I'm about to try it. If you don't hear anything I died...

What WILL HAPPEN if you dont eat after take hydroxycut hard core WILL IT STILL WORK?

I just started to use Hydroxycut harcore so are you suppose to eat after you take the pills after working out too??? It will work but you will be really light headed. I would just eat, like it is suggested on the back of the bottle.