Why would you want to? Brown fat, (or brown adipose tissue) is what helps thin people to stay thin. As people grow older - usually beyond their teens - it starts to disappear so that by middle age it has gone almost completely. Then they start to put on more and more weight, despite not eating more, because the brown fat is not there to burn it off.
reduce fat
The Brown Fat Revolution Diet explains the benefit of brown fat and how to activate it to accelerate weight loss. According to the author, humans are born with more brown fat than yellow fat. Brown fat accelerates the fat burning rate. As you age, the ratio of fat switches in favor of yellow fat. This causes weight gain, flabby skin and wrinkles. To overcome this, dieters must alternate between carbs and proteins to suppress the appetite, control blood sugar and reduce fat production. Six small daily meals will keep the metabolism balanced and convert yellow fat to brown fat.
The difference between them is that white fat is found in adults and brown fat is found in children.
Reduce your total body fat. You can't selectively reduce fat in specific areas.
Brown fat
There is no evidence that radishes reduce fat. Eating radishes instead of a fatty snack is one way to cut down on fat in a person's diet.
because it contains a lot of mitochondria rich in the pigmented chemical cytochrome which is responsible for the name brown fat
Fat is burned into carbohydrates yes.
reduce fat
No it dosen't
White fat is found in adults, and brown fat is found in infants. (this theory is obsolete now.in the April publication of the New England Journal of Medicine, not one, but THREE independent labs proved the existence of brown fat in adults)Differences between brown fat and white fat are :Brown fat deposits around vital internal organs and along back and sternum.while white fat is found under skin.Brown fat cells have mitochondria, hence it is metabolically active. While white fat is not.Brown fat can generate ATP hence it can generate heat. White fat can`t.*note white fat cannot generate heat but it does insulate the body which helps to keep the body temperature at a steady level
brown fat is a healthier version of typical fat, which makes up a large part of the body. Some of it is made from the brown adipocytes (also called fat cells) that originated from muscle cells, while others are converted from white fat. This converted brown fat can be made from the unhealthy white fat that makes a person look obese. There are many products for weight loss using brown fat converting Look to my BIO