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Sit ups tone muscles, but you can lose some of your stomach just by weight loss. If you still need to tone up, just try contracting your stomach muscles when you're sitting down. Try to contract them for as long as you can; you should see an improvement after a week.

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Q: How do you lose your stomach without doing sit ups?
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Will sit ups help you lose the weight on your hips and stomach?

doing sit ups will tone up your stomach... if you want to lose the weight try running and things like that... Hope this helped

How can children lose weight off the stomach?

children can lose weight off their stomach by doing 50-100 sit ups every day for about 2 weeks you will be able to see the difference

Is there a good excerise to lose fat around your stomach?

Yes, sit-ups and press-ups are good. I have been doing 50 of each per day and I have lost a lot of stomach fat

Why should you exercise for your flabby stomach?

You should exercise to lose weight. Also, you will look better and be in better shape. Doing sit-ups helps to to exercise your stomach. Also, try dieting.

How much weight came you from doing sit-ups?

If you do sit ups every day for a while, you may lose weight. However, you will tone your abs and stomach muscles but not have much weight loss. Sit ups don't get your cardio function up.

Flat stomach with no cost?

Plenty of exercise to lose any weight then lots of sit-ups to tighten the stomach.

How can you lose weight from your stomach while keeping your bust?

Do lots of sit-ups and crunches Okay no. All that will do is build up your layer of muscle. Your stomach goes... Muscle, fat, and then skin so by doing crunches and sit ups all it does is make your abs bigger. Not burn fat. By doing this u will ultimatly end up looking bigger than before.

Does doing crunches off the side of a couch burn stomach fat?

You raise your legs while doing a crunch, so I am thinking that you mean sit-ups. Yes, doing sit-ups off the couch does burn stomach fat.

How many calories do you loose doing 230 sit ups?

you will lose on average 150 calories doing 230 sit ups.

Where can I find a flat stomach diet that is fast and efficient?

There are a variety of flat stomach diets, mostly involving proteins and very light foods. The quickest way to lose belly fat is to exercise, doing daily sit-ups and crunches.

Why does a girls stomach hurt after doing crunches?

After doing sit-ups you may experience cramps in your stomach area. This happens when muscles are contracted and the intestines are compressed.

What type of abb workouts should you be doing?

first, remember you can only get a six or eight pack when you lose the fat on your stomach. Also the best thing to do is the plank or ordinary sit ups or buy a workout machine for them