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well i have the same priblem and i know how ppl wit chubby cheeks feel...and to some point it is cute...but theres a limit to cuteness...there comes a time when it looks downright ugly...

ive been doing some research and uptill now have ot found a straight are a few sugeestions i got...

1: one woman said that she became a chronic gum chewer...and she was pretty sure it works...havent tried it yet will give it a go.

2:another person said that its impossible to lose fat in specific place...that u have to lsoe overal body fat and eventually it will tone the cheeks aswell..

3:surgery was another suggestion i was given...

well heres my feedback...wheres your's?? :P You can try to chew a lot of gum or exercise or maybe stop drinking soda. it really works if u do all of these

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Q: How do you lose very fat chubby cheeks if you're not overweight?
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dont get that fat in t he first place n the only way is to go into surgery chubby cheeks(((((((((((((((((((((((((((()

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Depends on how overweight you are. Note that it is healthy to lose a maximum of 1.5 pounds to 2 pounds a week.

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You shouldn't be wanting to get chubby in the first place. By being overweight you lose physical fitness, mobility, increase your health care costs and your food costs, are more prone to sickness and depression, lower your life expectancy significantly and are less likely to attract a member of the opposite gender. Get yourself a gym membership instead.

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