Cute toes with nail polish on them! Depends on what you consider attractive. Long toes, short toes, fat toes, thin toes, toes with nail polish, toes with fake nails on, brown toes, white toes, red toes, etc... I'm partial to elephant toes!
It is scientifically proven that you lose baby fat by age 9. Some lose it at 10
when youlook down and cant see your toes >:D-->--<
no it can not
It basically means to lose the fat that is being collected around your lower abdominal (your stomach). You can lose the fat by using various methods such as exercise and diet.
Yes, but you lose fat from other areas too.
You can lose leg fat by swimming because the resistance of the water causes you to burn fat in your legs. Swimming is a good way to develop muscle and lose weight.
I am wondering the same thing! I take dance and when i take off my shoes im embarrassed to show my fat disgusting toes.
well i weigh 627 pounds and well a lose many things under and in my fat like i will lose a remote then find it wefged under my fat so yes i lose stuff in my fat
Kids lose fat by running real fast and try to exercise.
plastic surgery