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The most effective and healthy way to lose 8 pounds in 2 months is a varied diet and exercise. Dieting pills for the most part make you lose water weight which is weight, but the fat remains and the water will eventually come back. In your case, your scenario is perfect because for healthy weight loss, 1 lb per week is appropriate.

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Q: How do you lose 8 lbs in 2 months?
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Is it impossible to lose 15 pounds in two months?

Yes, but not always all in fat. If you typically don't drink too much water and all of a sudden start drinking 8-10 cups at least of water a day, you can lose up to 30 lbs in water weight. If you're looking to lose fat though, it is not healthy to lose that much weight in that time period unless you weigh over 300 lbs.

How can you lose 10 pounds in 8 days if you are 5 foot 7 and 135 pounds?

There is no safe way to lose that amount of weight in that time frame. 2-3 lbs is about the most you can safely lose in a week. If you managed to lose 10lbs in 8 days most of it would be water weight and would come back very quickly.

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You need to seek help from your doctor and work with a nutritionist and an exercise coach. 230 lbs. is a lot of weight to lose and you want to do it safely and effectively. Good Luck, you can do it!

How can a 13-year-old girl who is 5' 8 and 220 pounds lose 50 pounds in 2 months and what are the best exercises to lose weight?

Drink as much water as you can and walk/run.

How many grams of sugar should I eat a day I am 5'6 133 lbs and trying to lose 8 lbs?

15 grams OR NONE AT ALL

You weight 150 and you are 5' 8 should you lose weight?

The ideal weight for u is 140 lbs.