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1lb is equivalent to 3500 calories. Dependent on your age/weight/height, the body requires a certain amount of calories to just function. Assume you require 2500 calories a day just to live and maintain current weight, you could cut your calorie intake to just 1500 calories per day and this would give you the 3500 calories per day to lose 1lb, so to lose 15lbs it would take you 15 days. This of course is dangerous so you would combine the calorie controlled diet along with exercise and adjust accordingley.

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Q: How do you loose 15 pounds in 2 weeks naturally?
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Can you loose 15 pounds in 2-3 weeks?

I don't think so. That's too much even without eating.

How do you loose 15 pounds?

You can drink alot of water , excierce and eat small portions

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It is impossible to be healthy and lose 20 pounds in two weeks especially at 15. The standard rate to lose weight is 2-3 pounds per week.

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It depends on how musch excersise, u do. Or if you diet starting movday you will probably loose 4 or 5 pounds in the first week, keep on doing the diet! Ur skinny! I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks! :D

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No. Not without major surgery.

Im 5ft 8 and weigh 161 pounds how can I loose 30 pounds?

you do not eat for 15 days all you do is drink lemon juce....

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13 pounds at 14 weeks indicates the dog will eventually be medium-sized. Exactly how much is difficult to predict though. Our male Westie weighed about 5 and 1/2 pounds at 15 weeks, he's full grown now and weighs about 15 pounds.

How can you lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks without weight watchers?

Yes, but it's difficult.

Why have i lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks?

That is a question you should ask and answer yourself. Help your body and work it out!

What is 15 pounds to pounds?

15 pounds is 15 pounds!

How many kilos can you loose in just under 4 weeks?

just eat watermelon for 1 week and you will see the results

What is a safe, effective 2 week diet plan?

Just do cardiac exercises every other day and make sure to eat low fat foods and within 2 weeks you should loose about 10- 15 pounds, hopefully that would be enough to woo them back.