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If it smells bad. You'll know.

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Q: How do you know if refrigerated meat is bad?
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Innovator of the refrigerated freight car?

Gustavus Swift. Innovated the refrigerated freight car for shipping meat, and is the founder of the Meat Packing Firm.

Does pate need to be refrigerated?

Yes it does because it is spread of meat or some type of organ (such as liver). They are not pickled. They go bad quite quickly if not refrigerated. Please put it in the refrigerator if you don't wanna get sick or even die.

Does refrigerated meat go bad?

not really just when you defrosting make sure you dont mix it with cooked and uncooked meat and dont defrost above room temperature

Do semi trucks have refrigerated trailers when they deliver things like meat?

These trucks do in fact use different techniques for delivery of meat. They're referred to as refrigerated trailers.

How long can meat keep unrefrigrated?

Raw meat should be refrigerated as soon as possible. It shouldn't be out of the cold for over an hour or so. Cooked meat should be removed from the bone and refrigerated within two hours.

Will kangaroo meat be edible after 24hours travelling in a suitcase?

Like all meat, kangaroo meat must be refrigerated.

Does refridgerated meat stay fresh longer than raw meat in open air?

Yes, refrigerated meat will stay fresh longer than raw meat left in open air. Refrigeration helps slow down the growth of bacteria and preserve the quality of the meat. Raw meat left in open air is more susceptible to bacterial growth and spoilage.

Who introduced refrigerated shipping to the meat industry?

Gustavus Swift.

Who was the founder of the meat packaging firm and innovator of the refrigerated freight car for shipping meat?

Gustavus Swift

What are three types of foods that are normally refrigerated?

cheese, meat, eggs

What was an invention that helped the meat packing industry?

Refrigerated railroad cars.

Is meat rots of it not refrigerated a chemical property?

No, meat rotting when not refrigerated is a biological process, not a chemical property. When meat is left at room temperature, bacteria break down the proteins and lipids in the meat, leading to its decomposition. Refrigeration slows down this process by inhibiting bacterial growth.