It depends how old are you? If your 12 and up or younger drink Kid Essentials it is VERY HEALTHY! But if your an adult I'm sorry i don't know anything else than just eating fatty oily foods but you can also keep healthy by eating a pear once in a while if your always getting fatty foods. I'm sorry if this doesn't help but good luck on gaining weight!
I need to gain weight, how can I do it fast and healthy?
You mostly gain weight by not eatting healthy and not exercising
Depends on why you need to gain weight. Yes its healthy if you are too thin or you eat the right foods. There is no clear answer though except if you have to gain weight
Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. However, if you increase your caloric intake - whether from fruits and vegetables or from fast food and candy bars - you will gain weight.
It depends on how you choose to live your life after the fast. Reintroduce food slowly, make healthy eating a lifestyle. If you go back to the diet you had before the fast, chances are you will quickly gain all the weight back. Because your metabolism slows during a juice fast, if you eat too much you may gain even more weight then before you started!
if you are a healthy patient, i wouldn't recomend either of those products solely for weight gain. try onesource optimal nutrition or a whey powder.
In order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you are currently taking in every day. You need to choose healthy foods to really be healthy. You want to gain weight and you want to improve your health as well.
Any diet that guarantees you will lose weight suspiciously fast is probably not a good diet to choose. While losing weight as fast as possible is tempting, it's not as healthy and it also makes you more likely to gain back the weight.
You can drink protien shakes that are very helpful to gain weight.
You probably have a very high metabolism which makes it hard to gain weight. I would slowly start to rasie your calories are start a weight training program. Make sure you are eating quality foods, and not just going out to fast food everyday to gain.
Physical Activity and a healthy diet.
Depends on which weight you started at. It's always healthy to get to a decent BMI, but getting there too fast can be a risk to your health, such as heart problems and not having a balanced diet. Losing weight too fast makes is easier to gain weight fast as well, if you're not eating a balanced diet