It might be seppuku, which is ritual disembowelment.
Seppuku! (self-disembowelment) to save his honor rather than be disgraced.
The word "harakiri" belongs to the Japanese language. It refers to a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment as practiced by samurais in Japan.
A cat is known to hold onto their pray by their teeth and the front claws and kick in a bicycle motion with their hind claws in order to shred their enemies, sometimes causing disembowelment.
Beheading was the rarest punishment in the Middle Ages, as most people were executed in a manner of various ways including hanging, being 'hung, drawn and quartered', disembowelment as well as other nasty methods or execution. Beheading however was considered an honour and was reserved for executions of very noble figures, such as Charles I after the English Civil War (during the renaissance of the 1600s when the methods of punishment were mostly unchanged).
it means eat eat i eat eat i owned
because they eat! its obvious, they eat.
We don't. We eat and eat and be in pain and eat and eat and eat.....
We don't. We eat and eat and be in pain and eat and eat and eat.....
make a poop and eat it eat it eat it make a poop and eat it eat it eat it and it will taste very nice
They eat seeds
There is no homophone for eat