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WHEN TRYING TO LOOSE AT LEAST 1LB A DAY FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: Rule 1: Only 3 meals a day. Example: 6-7am Breakfast, 12-1pm Lunch, 4-5pm Dinner or Supper. Rule 2: NO Seconds! Rule 3: Exercise at least 30 min a day.Rule 4: Drink alot of water! Tips: Between Breakfast and Lunch try to drink 1 16 ounce bottle of water, then again between Lunch and Supper. When exercising do it with a friend who has similar goals, that way it will be fun and really works out!This should do the trick and good luck!

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Q: How can you loose 30lbs in one month?
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to loose weight on your thighs you need to go on the bike and pedal fast for one hour and keep on doing throughout the month. GOOD LUCK

Do you think she can loose 30lbs before June 4th because you know when you starve you loose a pound a day so if you run that means maybe you could because you have about 25 days?

Starving oneself is never a good option for weight loss. It is short-term, meaning that the weight will easily and quickly come back on. And it can also lead to many potential health problems and complications. 30lbs in 25 days is very unrealistic and unhealthy, too.

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no but if you had one month membership then when it runs out you just loose some moshlings

How long will it talke to lose 30lbs if you stop drinking a bottle of wine a day?

one year

How do you loose 30lbs fast?

how to lose 30lbs is to eat a light diet for 2 weeks for instance i ate chicken noodle soup,jell-o and stuff like apple sauce and of course lots of water no junk foods each day i lost 2lbs And don't forget to exercise at least 20-30 min a day. And drink ALOT of water;)

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To stop loose motion or loose stools for an 8 month old baby, it is best to feed the baby breast milk only. Breast milk has natural chemicals to control the bowels. If this is not possible, one should feed the baby a pediatric electrolyte and a lactose-free formula. Bananas may also help with loose motion.

What is 30lbs in grams?

30 pounds is 13,608 grams.

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