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a deficiency disease. hard to get these days with all the fortified foods.

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Q: How can the lack of vitamins or minerals affect a person?
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What nutrients do you lose whenever you starve yourself?

In a person starving (such as is seen with anorexia nervosa), there is a lack of all essential vitamins, minerals, and general nutrients.

Im a 16 year old bodybuilder will it affect your growth?

Being a bodybuilder shouldn't affect your growth. If you are eating plenty of protein and providing your body minerals and vitamins, you should not experience a lack of growth.

What is the meaning of Deficiency disease?

Illnesses that have become consistent due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

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How can a lack of vitamins and minerals affect a person?

Vitamins and minerals are needed in a small quantity but if we stop eating them they will result very badly. Here are the things that happen when we do not eat minerals and vitamins. Vitamin A= Skin becomes dry Night blindness(cannot see well at night) Vitamin B= Loss of appetite Beri Beri Vitamin C= Scurvy Bleeding of gums and swelling of joints. Vitamin D= Rickets Iron Anemia Calcium and phosphorus Improper development of bones and teeth. Iodine goitre

What is the meaning of nutritional deficiency diseases?

Illnesses that have become consistent due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

What are the four threats to your health?

Drugs, lack of sleep, very low activity levels,unhealthy eating (lack of proper vitamins and minerals)

Why are fruit and vegetables healthy?

I have better things to do!

Will I be missing numerous vitamins and minerals if I go on a Vegan diet?

If you are eating a vegan diet you will lack getting valuable nutrients and minerals found in dairy and meat. If you decide to go vegan make sure you supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B12, iron, calcium and zinc.

What problems may arise when people make uninformed decisions on what to eat for a vegetarian diet?

If a person does not eat a balanced diet, they can experience many problems. Some of those could be anemia (lack of iron), malnourishment, and a general lack of vital minerals and vitamins and protein in a diet.

Why is it that some areas of the world suffer from acne?

Unhygienic conditions, poor diet , lack of vitamins and certain minerals would be the most likely suspects.

Can you survive on peanut butter alone love ashley im 11?

No. You would lack so many essential other vitamins and minerals it would not be healthy.