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I am a fifty year old and have just lost 35 pounds in the last six months, with the first 25 pounds dropping off me in the first 8 weeks.

This was achieved without exercising, and the only thing involved was to substantially reduce my sugar intake.

This is a highly effective way to lose weight regardless of age or gender, and to be successful, you just need to understand what foods contain sugar, and avoid them as much as possible.

Eating meats, fish, chicken, vegetables and dairy products are all fine to eat, as they are low in "bad" sugars.

Fruit, and any thing that contains cane sugar in any form should be avoided.

Do some research on low sugar diets, and give it a try. It works amazingly if you stick with it for at least four weeks.

Good luck.

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Q: How can an adult lose weight?
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If you are struggling to lose weight, an adult weight loss camp may be the answer. These camps are designed to help their participants shed excess weight and learn new lifestyle changes that will lead to permanent weight loss. These adult weight loss camps can last anywhere from one week to a month. During the duration of adult weight loss camps, participants engage in high-intensity physical fitness regimens, healthy eating workshops and lifestyle modification. Many people who attend adult weight loss camps report losing between 15 and 30 pounds during their stay. Most keep the weight off and continue to lose after the camp is completed.

Are there any teenage diet pills?

No, there is only Adult but if you really want to lose weight why don't you just do it the natural way of eating a healthy diet cause if you do, then you lose ten pounds a week.

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how to lose weight

What type of milk is good for a obese adult?

If you are obese and trying to lose weight then skim milk would be the best choice due to the fact that there is no fat in it.

What are the calorie needs for the average adult?

This depends on many factors, such as age, weight, height, and activity level. Typical guidelines suggest the following:Average Adult Male - 2,500 kcalAverage Adule Femal - 2,000 kcalThis is the suggested amount for weight maintenance. If you want to gain or lose weight, calories would need to be adjusted accordingly.

How do peole lose weight?

* Eat 5 peices of fruit or veg a day * Exercise more * Eat less sugary foods * An average adult should take in 2000 calories a day, but this can depend on how long the adult exercises for

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same as and adult 3500 but if your looking to lose weight split it in half =)

Can you lose wait and you are on Adderall and wellbrutrin?

You don't actually lose weight, you lose you appetite as one of the side effects which can lead to the loss of weight. But it is not healthy whatsoever to take if you plan on losing weight. There is no such drug that you can take that will make you lose weight, the best weight is through deit and excecise.

What happens if a child takes weight lose pills?

well firstly they don't need to take them because at the age of a child your weight can be heavy or light it actually starts to matter when you become an adult. Nothing will happen if you take them once but if you keep taking them then your weight may be at a weight they may not like