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The alimentary canal has glands which produces digestive juices which help in digestion from tract to is then transported to liver.

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Q: How are fat soluble vitamins absorbed from the alimentary tract into the circulatory system?
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How are fat soluble and water soluble absorbed?

fat soluble vitamins are stored in our fat tissues and water soluble vitamins are soluble in water.

Fats and fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by?


-soluble vitamins are absorbed easily and directly into blood circulation from the GI tract?

These would be water soluble vitamins, such as the B-vitamins and Vitamin C.

Where are vitamens d a k and absorbed?

They are fat soluble vitamins meaning that they are absorbed into your fat,

Fats and fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the?

Peyer's patches

Vitamins can be either water-soluble or lipid-soluble?

Yes, some vitamins are water-soluble, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, and are easily absorbed and excreted by the body. Lipid-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K, are stored in fatty tissues and are better absorbed with dietary fats. Both types are important for overall health and must be obtained through diet or supplements.

What excretes the water soluble vitamins?

Water soluble vitamins are excreted primarily through urine. After being absorbed in the intestines and used by the body, any excess water soluble vitamins not needed are filtered by the kidneys and eliminated in urine.

What is the First vessel to receive absorbed water soluble vitamins?

The Hepatic portal vein

Which nutrient was absorbed by small intestine lymphatic vessels?

Fats and fat soluble vitamins

Fat carries what vitamins?

A D E and K vitamins are fat soluble. they're absorbed with fat

When vitamins are absorbed directly into the blood and then used up or washed out of the body what are they known as?


Why does your urine smell like the vitamins you are using?

Any excess vitamins that your body hasn't absorbed but that are water soluble leave your body in your urine.